- The jaw drops and the tip of the tongue presses into the bottom front teeth.
- The body of the tongue rounds upward.
act /ækt/
add /æd/
and /ænd/
ankle /ˈæŋkəl/
as /æz/
ask /æsk/
at /æt/
aunt /ænt/
after /ˈæftər/
that /ðæt/
back /bæk/
bad /bæd/
band /bænd/
bank /bæŋk/
black /blæk/
can /kæn/
can't /kænt/
carry /ˈkæri/
had /hæd/
has /hæz/
have /hæv/
fact /fækt/
family /ˈfæməli/
hand /hænd/
happen /ˈhæpən/
happy /ˈhæpi/
land /lænd/
man /mæn/
stand /stænd/
thank /θæŋk/
travel /ˈtrævl/
understand /ˌʌndərˈstænd/
value /ˈvæljuː/
tax /tæks/
track /træk/
pact /pækt/
sad /sæd/
* Remember that the body of the tongue curves upward during the /æ/ sound. If the body of the tongue is held low and flat, a short o sound /a/ will be produced instead. Listen to both the /æ/ and /a/: /æ/, /a/. - Source:
- tap /tæp/ - top /tɑːp/.
- black /blæk/ - block /blɑːk/
- A homophone (UK: /ˈhɒməfəʊn/; US: /ˈhɑːməfəʊn/, /ˈhəʊməfəʊn/) is a word which is pronounced the same as another word but differs in spelling, meaning or origin.
act /ækt/
add /æd/
and /ænd/
ankle /ˈæŋkəl/
as /æz/
ask /æsk/
at /æt/
aunt /ænt/
after /ˈæftər/
that /ðæt/
back /bæk/
bad /bæd/
band /bænd/
bank /bæŋk/
black /blæk/
can /kæn/
can't /kænt/
carry /ˈkæri/
had /hæd/
has /hæz/
have /hæv/
fact /fækt/
family /ˈfæməli/
hand /hænd/
happen /ˈhæpən/
happy /ˈhæpi/
land /lænd/
man /mæn/
stand /stænd/
thank /θæŋk/
travel /ˈtrævl/
understand /ˌʌndərˈstænd/
value /ˈvæljuː/
tax /tæks/
track /træk/
pact /pækt/
sad /sæd/
* Remember that the body of the tongue curves upward during the /æ/ sound. If the body of the tongue is held low and flat, a short o sound /a/ will be produced instead. Listen to both the /æ/ and /a/: /æ/, /a/. - Source: Same Pronunciation
- Different Spelling
- Different Meaning
- As in the case of to, too, and two:
1. to
UK, US: /tə/; before vowels /tu/; strong form /tuː/
* Pronunciation note:
Usually ppronounced /tə/ before a consonant; and /tu/ before a vowel; but pronounced /tuː/ when you are emphasizing it.
2. too: UK, US: /tuː/
3. two: UK, US: /tuː/
add /æd/
| |
ant /ænt/
aunt /ænt/
ante /ˈænti/
anti /ˈænti/
band /bænd/
banned /bænd/
baron /ˈbærən/
barren /ˈbærən/
cache /kæʃ/
cash /kæʃ/
canvas /ˈkænvəs/
canvass /ˈkænvəs/
clack /klæk/
claque /klæk/
dam /dæm/
damn /dæm/
draft /dræft/
draught /dræft/
franc /fræŋk/
frank /fræŋk/
gamble /ˈɡæmbl/
gambol /ˈɡæmbl/
hangar /ˈhæŋər/
hanger /ˈhæŋər/
lam /læm/
lamb /læm/
mantel /ˈmæntl/
mantle /ˈmæntl/
pact /pækt/
packed /pækt/
rack /ræk/
wrack /ræk/
rap /ræp/
wrap /ræp/
sac /sæk/
sack /sæk/
tact /tækt/
tacked /tækt/
* Pronounciation American
- A heteronym (also known as a heterophone) is a word that has a different pronunciation and meaning from another word but the same spelling. For example the metal "lead" /led/ and the verb "lead" /liːd/.- Different Pronunciation
- Different Meaning
- Same Spelling
Pronounce 1:
Abstract: UK: /ˈæbstrækt/; US: /ˈæbstrækt/
+ Adjective:
- existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
+ Noun:
- a short piece of writing containing the main ideas in a document
Pronounce 2:
Abstract: UK: /æbˈstrækt/; US: /æbˈstrækt/
+ Verb:
- consider (something) theoretically or separately from something else
Pronounce 1:
ablative: UK: /ˈæblətɪv/; US: /ˈæblətɪv/
+ Adjective:
- (in some languages) in the form that a noun, a pronoun or an adjective can take to show, for example, who or what something is done by or where something comes from [grammar].
+ Noun:
- the ablative case: this case is expressed by inflection in languages such as Latin, Sanskrit, and Hungarian
- a word or phrase in this case
Pronounce 2:
ablative: /æbˈleɪtɪv/
+ Adjective:
- that ablates, as the protective coating material on the nose cone of a space missile [Astronomy].
Pronounce 1:
advocate: UK /ˈædvəkeɪt/; US: /ˈædvəkeɪt/
+ Verb:
- to argue for someone else
Pronounce 2:
advocate: /ˈædvəkət/; US: /ˈædvəkət/
+ Noun:
- a person who supports or speaks in favour of somebody or of a public plan or action [formal].
Pronounce 1:
analyses: UK: /ˈænəlaɪzɪz/; US: /ˈænəlaɪzɪz/
+ Verb:
- third person singular present of analyse
Pronounce 2:
analyses: K: /əˈnæləsiːz/; US: /əˈnæləsiːz/
+ Noun:
- analyses is the plural of analysis
Pronounce 1:
axes: UK: /ˈæksiːz/; US: /ˈæksiːz/
+ Noun:
- Axes is the plural of axis.
Pronounce 2:
axes: UK: /ˈæksɪz/; US: /ˈæksɪz/
+ Noun:
- Axes is the plural of axe / ax
+ Verb:
- third person singular present of axe
Pronounce 1:
compact: UK: /kəmˈpækt/; US: /kəmˈpækt/
+ Verb:
- compact something to press something together firmly [usually passive].
+ Adjective:
compact: UK: /kəmˈpækt/, /ˈkɒmpækt/; US: /kəmˈpækt/, /ˈkɑːmpækt/
- smaller than is usual for things of the same kind (usually approving)
a compact camera
- using or filling only a small amount of space
The kitchen was compact but well equipped.
Computers have become much more compact over the last 15 years.
Pronounce 2:
compact: UK: /ˈkɒmpækt/; US: /ˈkɑːmpækt/
+ Noun:
- a small flat box with a mirror, containing powder that women use on their faces
- a formal agreement between two or more people or countries (formal).
Pronounce 1:
contract: UK: /ˈkɒntrækt/; US: /ˈkɑːntrækt/
+ Noun:
- a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself.
- contract (on somebody) (informal) an agreement to kill somebody for money
- contract (on somebody) (informal) an agreement to kill somebody for money
Pronounce 2:
contract: UK: /kənˈtrækt/; US: /kənˈtrækt/
+ Verb:
- to become less or smaller; to make something become less or smaller [intransitive, transitive]
- contract something (formal or medical) to get an illness [transitive]
- contract something (formal or medical) to get an illness [transitive]
Pronounce 1:
graduate: UK: /ˈɡrædʒuət/; US: /ˈɡrædʒuət/
+ Noun:
- a person who has a university degree
Pronounce 2:
graduate: UK: /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/; US: /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/
+ Verb:
- to get a degree, especially your first degree, from a university or college [intransitive, transitive].
When I graduate I will become a graduate.
- graduate (from something) to something to start doing something more difficult or important than what you were doing before [intransitive].
She recently graduated from being a dancer to having a small role in a movie.
When I graduate I will become a graduate.
- graduate (from something) to something to start doing something more difficult or important than what you were doing before [intransitive].
She recently graduated from being a dancer to having a small role in a movie.
Pronounce 1:
laminate: UK: /ˈlæmɪˌneɪt/; US: /ˈlæmɪˌneɪt/
+ Verb:
- to assemble from thin sheets glued together
I want to get the screen of my new smartphone laminated.
I want to get the screen of my new smartphone laminated.
Pronounce 2:
laminate: UK: /ˈlæmɪnət/, /ˈlæmɪnɪt/; US: /ˈlæmɪnət/, /ˈlæmɪnɪt/
+ Noun:
- a material that is made by sticking several thin layers together [uncountable, countable]
The blade is suitable for cutting plastics or laminates.
The blade is suitable for cutting plastics or laminates.
Pronounce 1:
ragged: UK: /ˈræɡɪd/; US: /ˈræɡɪd/
+ Verb:
- simple past tense and past participle of rag
Pronounce 2:
ragged: UK: /ˈræɡɪd/; US: /ˈræɡɪd/
+ Adjective:
- (of clothes) torn and usually in bad condition from too much use, or (of people) wearing clothes in this condition.
a ragged jacket.
- having an outline, an edge or a surface that is not straight or even.
- not smooth or regular; not showing control or careful preparation.
- very tired, especially after physical effort (informal).
- not straight or even.
He ragged on his parents, felt they ran him ragged
a ragged jacket.
- having an outline, an edge or a surface that is not straight or even.
- not smooth or regular; not showing control or careful preparation.
- very tired, especially after physical effort (informal).
- not straight or even.
He ragged on his parents, felt they ran him ragged
Pronounce 1:
transfer: UK: /ˈtrænsfɜː(r)/ ; US: /ˈtrænsfɜːr/
+ Verb:
- to move something from one place to another (the verb can be accented on either syllable)
Pronounce 2:
transfer: UK: /trænsˈfɜː(r)/; US: /trænsˈfɜːr/
+ Noun:
- a movement of something from one place to another
Pronounce 1:
address: UK: /əˈdres/; US: /əˈdres/
+ Verb:
- to speak to (address) the crowd
- to write the location
Pronounce 2:
address: UK: /əˈdres/; US: /ˈædres/
+ Noun:
- a postal address
- location
affect: UK: /əˈfekt/; US: /əˈfekt/
+ Verb:
- affect somebody/something to produce a change in somebody/something
Pronounce 2:
affect: UK: /ˈæfɛkt/, /əˈfɛkt/; US: /ˈæfɛkt/
+ Noun:
- Psychology:
a. an emotion or feeling attached to an idea, object, etc.
b. in general, emotion or emotional response
agape: UK: /əˈɡeɪp/ US: /əˈɡeɪp/
+ Adjective:
- if a person’s mouth is agape, it is wide open, especially because they are surprised or shocked [not before noun] (formal).
+ Adverb:
- with or as with the mouth wide open, in surprise, wonder, etc. gaping
- wide open
Pronounce 2:
agape: UK: /ˈæɡəpi/; US: /ˈæɡəpi/, /əˈgɑˌpeɪ/
+ Noun:
- a meal that early Christians ate together see also love feast
- Christian Theology
a. God's love for humanity
b. spontaneous, altruistic love
allied: UK: /ˈælaɪd/; US: /ˈælaɪd/
+ Adjective:
- connected with countries that unite to fight a war together, especially the countries that fought together against Germany in World Wars I and II [only before noun].
Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915.
Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing.
Pronounce 2:
allied: UK: /ˈælaɪd/, /əˈlaɪd/; US: /ˈælaɪd/, /əˈlaɪd/
+ Adjective:
- joined, as by treaty, agreement, or marriage; united
- of the same type or class; related
- connected by a political or military agreement [before noun]:
an allied offensive
allied bombers/forces
+ Verb:
allied: UK: /əˈlaɪd/, /ˈælaɪd/; US: /əˈlaɪd/, /ˈælaɪd/
- simple past tense and past participle of ally
alloy: UK: /ˈælɔɪ/; US: /ˈælɔɪ/
+ Noun:
- a metal that is formed by mixing two types of metal together, or by mixing metal with another substance [countable, uncountable]
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
alloy steel
Pronounce 2:
alloy: UK: /əˈlɔɪ/; US: /əˈlɔɪ/
+ Verb:
- alloy something (with something) to mix one metal with another, especially one of lower value [specialist]
The copper was alloyed with tin to make bronze.
alum: UK: /ˈæləm/; US: /ˈæləm/
+ Noun:
- a chemical substance containing aluminium used in dyeing (= changing the colour of something) and as an astringent (= substance that causes skin to tighten) [CHEMISTRY, specialized]
Pronounce 2:
alum: /əˈlʌm/
+ Noun:
- a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
attribute: UK /ˈætrɪbjuːt/; US /ˈætrɪbjuːt/
+ Noun:
- a quality or characteristic that someone or something has:
The most basic attribute of all animals is consciousness.
Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager
Pronounce 2:
attribute: UK: /əˈtrɪbjuːt/; US: /əˈtrɪbjuːt/
+ Verb:
- attribute something to something to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing
She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.
- attribute something to somebody to say or believe that somebody is responsible for doing something, especially for saying, writing or painting something
This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.
bass: UK: /bæs/; US: /bæs/
+ Noun:
- Bass are edible fish that are found in rivers and the sea. There are several types of bass.
Fresh sea bass is a great delicacy.
Pronounce 2:
bass: UK: /beɪs/; US: /beɪs/
+ Noun:
- the lowest range of musical notes, or a man with a singing voice in this range:
- the set of low musical sounds on a radio, music system, etc.
- an electric guitar with four strings that plays very low notes.
+ Adjective:
- [only before noun] low in tone
entrance: UK: /ɪnˈtrɑːns/; US: /ɪnˈtræns/
+ Verb:
- to make somebody admire and like somebody/something very much, so they give them/it all their attention [usually passive] (formal).
- put into a trance
Pronounce 2:
entrance: UK: /ˈentrəns/; US: /ˈentrəns/
+ Noun:
- something that provides access (to get in or get out)
- the act of entering
- a movement into or inward
invalid: UK: /ɪnˈvælɪd/; US: /ɪnˈvælɪd/
+ Adjective:
- not legally or officially acceptable
- not based on all the facts, and therefore not correct
Pronounce 1:affect: UK: /əˈfekt/; US: /əˈfekt/
+ Verb:
- affect somebody/something to produce a change in somebody/something
Pronounce 2:
affect: UK: /ˈæfɛkt/, /əˈfɛkt/; US: /ˈæfɛkt/
+ Noun:
- Psychology:
a. an emotion or feeling attached to an idea, object, etc.
b. in general, emotion or emotional response
Pronounce 1: agape: UK: /əˈɡeɪp/ US: /əˈɡeɪp/
+ Adjective:
- if a person’s mouth is agape, it is wide open, especially because they are surprised or shocked [not before noun] (formal).
+ Adverb:
- with or as with the mouth wide open, in surprise, wonder, etc. gaping
- wide open
Pronounce 2:
agape: UK: /ˈæɡəpi/; US: /ˈæɡəpi/, /əˈgɑˌpeɪ/
+ Noun:
- a meal that early Christians ate together see also love feast
- Christian Theology
a. God's love for humanity
b. spontaneous, altruistic love
Pronounce 1: allied: UK: /ˈælaɪd/; US: /ˈælaɪd/
+ Adjective:
- connected with countries that unite to fight a war together, especially the countries that fought together against Germany in World Wars I and II [only before noun].
Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915.
Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing.
Pronounce 2:
allied: UK: /ˈælaɪd/, /əˈlaɪd/; US: /ˈælaɪd/, /əˈlaɪd/
+ Adjective:
- joined, as by treaty, agreement, or marriage; united
- of the same type or class; related
- connected by a political or military agreement [before noun]:
an allied offensive
allied bombers/forces
+ Verb:
allied: UK: /əˈlaɪd/, /ˈælaɪd/; US: /əˈlaɪd/, /ˈælaɪd/
- simple past tense and past participle of ally
Pronounce 1:alloy: UK: /ˈælɔɪ/; US: /ˈælɔɪ/
+ Noun:
- a metal that is formed by mixing two types of metal together, or by mixing metal with another substance [countable, uncountable]
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
alloy steel
Pronounce 2:
alloy: UK: /əˈlɔɪ/; US: /əˈlɔɪ/
+ Verb:
- alloy something (with something) to mix one metal with another, especially one of lower value [specialist]
The copper was alloyed with tin to make bronze.
Pronounce 1: alum: UK: /ˈæləm/; US: /ˈæləm/
+ Noun:
- a chemical substance containing aluminium used in dyeing (= changing the colour of something) and as an astringent (= substance that causes skin to tighten) [CHEMISTRY, specialized]
Pronounce 2:
alum: /əˈlʌm/
+ Noun:
- a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
Pronounce 1:attribute: UK /ˈætrɪbjuːt/; US /ˈætrɪbjuːt/
+ Noun:
- a quality or characteristic that someone or something has:
The most basic attribute of all animals is consciousness.
Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager
Pronounce 2:
attribute: UK: /əˈtrɪbjuːt/; US: /əˈtrɪbjuːt/
+ Verb:
- attribute something to something to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing
She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.
- attribute something to somebody to say or believe that somebody is responsible for doing something, especially for saying, writing or painting something
This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.
Pronounce 1:bass: UK: /bæs/; US: /bæs/
+ Noun:
- Bass are edible fish that are found in rivers and the sea. There are several types of bass.
Fresh sea bass is a great delicacy.
Pronounce 2:
bass: UK: /beɪs/; US: /beɪs/
+ Noun:
- the lowest range of musical notes, or a man with a singing voice in this range:
- the set of low musical sounds on a radio, music system, etc.
- an electric guitar with four strings that plays very low notes.
+ Adjective:
- [only before noun] low in tone
Pronounce 1:entrance: UK: /ɪnˈtrɑːns/; US: /ɪnˈtræns/
+ Verb:
- to make somebody admire and like somebody/something very much, so they give them/it all their attention [usually passive] (formal).
- put into a trance
Pronounce 2:
entrance: UK: /ˈentrəns/; US: /ˈentrəns/
+ Noun:
- something that provides access (to get in or get out)
- the act of entering
- a movement into or inward
Pronounce 1:invalid: UK: /ɪnˈvælɪd/; US: /ɪnˈvælɪd/
+ Adjective:
- not legally or officially acceptable
- not based on all the facts, and therefore not correct
- [not gradable] not true or acceptable, or not correctly thought out:
The results of the election were declared invalid by the court.
- (computing) of a type that the computer cannot recognize
invalid characters
Pronounce 2:
invalid: UK: /ˈɪnvəlɪd/; US: /ˈɪnvəlɪd/
+ Noun:
- a person who needs other people to take care of them, because of illness that they have had for a long time [old-fashioned].
+ Verb:
- invalid somebody (out) | invalid somebody (out of something) to force somebody to leave the armed forces because of an illness or injury
He was invalided out of the army in 1943.
Oxford; Cambridge; Collins; Thefreedictionary; Vocabulary; Macmillandictionary, Wikipedia...
Pronounce 2:
invalid: UK: /ˈɪnvəlɪd/; US: /ˈɪnvəlɪd/
+ Noun:
- a person who needs other people to take care of them, because of illness that they have had for a long time [old-fashioned].
+ Verb:
- invalid somebody (out) | invalid somebody (out of something) to force somebody to leave the armed forces because of an illness or injury
He was invalided out of the army in 1943.
Oxford; Cambridge; Collins; Thefreedictionary; Vocabulary; Macmillandictionary, Wikipedia...
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